Current turnaround time is: 4-5 business days.
Avoid artwork charges by preparing your files right the first time!
Art Work Guidelines
1. If submitting artwork that is not vector go to #10
2. If submitting vector artwork make a copy of your file so you can still edit the master file in
the future if you need to.
3. Have all artwork sized and layed out in a 11x13 or 11x17 format. No charge for ganging.
4. Checking Stroke Thickness. 1 Point Stroke is not as small as we can go but it is as small as we can guarantee.
All strokes in artwork must be at least 1-point to ensure the design prints properly for our quickprints transfers.
Checking Knockout Space
2 Point Stroke
Knockout space is a term used to describe the areas of a design that do not have any ink.
This is the area where the garment will show through on the design. (Like the space in the letter A)
Having a 2-point knockout for our quickprints transfer throughout the artwork ensures that
all detail in the design will be maintained once it is pressed on the garment.
1A. Make a line in your document and change the color so that it stands out against your artwork.
2A. Set the stroke to 2 Point.
3A. Test the line throughout the document, making sure all knock-out areas of your artwork are at least as thick as your line.
4A. Once you are finished checking your artwork, delete the line from your file.
5A. We do NOT print Halftones or Gradients
5. Converted all fonts to curves.
To convert the fonts to curves in Coreldraw please select all fonts. Go to "Arrange" that is located on
your top toolbar. In the arrange section please select "Convert to Curves" This will change your fonts
from a ttf font to a piece of artwork.
To convert the fonts to outlines in Adobe Illustrator please select all fonts. Go to "Type" that is
located on your top toolbar. In the type section please select "Create to Outlines"
This will change your fonts from a ttf font to a piece of artwork. "Create to Outlines" This will change your fonts from a ttf font to a piece of artwork.
6. Artwork needs to be set to CMYK and all colors in Pantone Solid Coated
to ensure accurate printing of your design
Use FCI spot color PMS numbers at no charge. Use custom pms numbers at $15 a color
7. If there is going to be white ink in the design please have the background set to a color, not in the
design so we can see all colors.
8. Save as an EPS file.
9. Ready to order.
10. If submitting any art that is not vector (even art in a vector program that is not vector) we will just be using your art asa guideline for our artist to redraw (min $25 fee)
Most files with the extensions .jpg, .tif, .gif, and .psd can be used. (This art will only be used as guides)
Recommended resolution is 200 to 300 dpi/ppi or larger than 800 x 600 px (1024 x 768 px preferably).